The KPMG Israel Story

About Us

KPMG Israel is home to more than 1,300 professionals, including 77 audit, tax, and advisory partners and principals. We are all committed to the fulfillment of the firm’s vision and to professional excellence in the provision of services. KPMG Israel operates four branches across Israel: Tel Aviv, Haifa, Jerusalem, and Beer Sheba. 

Our collaboration with KPMG’s global network operating in 154 countries offers the depth, resources, and experience required for providing an array of integrated services based on in-depth multi-sector knowledge to support the company’s business objectives.

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Addressing Challenges

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COVID-19: Cyber Security in the New Reality

Concern over the scale and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is growing, leading organizations to consider their response, and the actions they need to take now to adopt their business to the new reality. The CIO and CISO have vital roles in making sure the organization can function as pandemic containment and recovery measures are implemented.


Five principles to help cybersecurity leaders prepare for the new landscape:

Cyber Security Israel

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